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Review of F1GMAT's Winning MBA Essay Guide

I have been writing and updating F1GMAT's Winning MBA Essay Guide since 2013. A lot of my readers have asked me to post reviews that I have collected over the past decade. So here you go. I will keep updating this page. Bookmark this page for authentic reviews.

For the 2023 Entering Class:

F1GMAT's Winning MBA Essay Guide Reviews

"I've read four books about writing, essays, and storytelling, but none of them are as good as Winning MBA Essay Guide. My drafts were filled with cliches and unintendedly funny moments that Atul pointed out in his reviews. When I went back and referred to the essay guide he had written, I knew what he meant. Whenever I was struggling to write the next line or paragraph, I read the samples. One trick that really helped me was reading Yale's commitment and Kellogg's value essays on top of Harvard's sample essays. There were many stories and ideas on narrating personal choices that helped me come out of the cliched mold of citing goals that I have read in many failed essays from last year. I meticulously created four versions inspired by the Winning MBA Essay Guide and then allowed 3 consultants, including Atul, to review it. The Essay that all consultants agreed to connect with them was finally chosen. I shared the same with my family & friends. When my mom said 'wow,' I knew I had found my version. She is one of my harshest critics and also my biggest cheerleader. This is one of those experiences where I can confidently say - the samples work for Harvard." - Harvard MBA 2023 Entering Class.


"Before starting my MBA application, I had masked my memories of a hurtful childhood event. Then I began exploring how to share without sharing too much. After reaching a deadlock, I picked up this book to refine my narrating skills. This essay guide is really what it means to be a good writer - raw emotions but with a purpose. I found inspiration in certain transitions that I struggled to incorporate. Especially when transitioning from a personal tragedy to my vision. Many stories were like mine. The chapters on storytelling and editing helped me make a strong case for admissions. And it worked! -  Stanford MBA 2023 Entering Class

"When I attended the info session hosted by Wharton's admissions manager, I didn't truly understand the intent behind her advice to capture vulnerability. In my first three versions, I mentioned the death of my grandmother as a vulnerable moment in redefining my goals. The professional gains essay didn't require getting that personal but just needed a very specific line. The Sample essays clearly show how to phrase this transition without indulging too much in the life-altering event. The meaningful contribution sample essays diverge from the precise template that the samples offer. The concepts, story, and characters - all lead up to an engaging narrative. " - Wharton MBA 2023 Entering Class

"My career transition goals were too far out there. With a strong finance and crypto background, I was planning to enter the real estate industry and start my interior design company. Booth's strong preference for finance goals made it tough to craft any impactful and believable goals. After creating essays just for the admissions team, I finally purchased F1GMAT's Winning Essay Guide and saw how many applicants like me have also narrated 'unconventional' goals. It helped me cite multiple reasons for my career choice and come out of a limiting style of explaining goals that I imagined are required for MBA application essays. I believe that authenticity helped me shine through the competitive application process. Great job, Atul!" - Chicago Booth MBA 2023 Entering Class

"I tried connecting Luke Skywalker's character arc in becoming a Jedi with my struggles to earn the gold medal in Taekwondo for the 2018 National Tournament. After sitting on four drafts, I finally read Winning MBA Essay Guide. The connection between Groundhog day and the pursuit of accepting one's destiny was an inspiration that I used for rewriting my Essay. I also found the fit Essay to be unconventional, with unique traits mapped to what Columbia Business School wants. The goals Essay is also elaborate with so many touchpoints about the curriculum that I would not have anticipated reading the school's curriculum page. Excellent research on that front! A book deserving its title" - Columbia MBA 2023 Entering Class

"I would get lost in the pages of stories. I was enjoying the writing process a bit too much without understanding that what Kellogg needs is a specific set of values. The winning essay guide had one example for each value. I thought I was done with my Essay, but how I connected my values to two life events - one personal and professional felt 'movie-like.' It lacked the authenticity of an applicant who seriously introspected their values. The samples in the essay guide brought structure and a voice that was addressing the inner force that was driving my decisions" - Kellogg MBA 2023 Entering Class

"To be honest, I feel alive when I play video games. That is where I am in the zone. But no matter how much I spin it, the Essay just sounded like a gamer addict applying to an MBA program. The essay guide is a god-send where the author connects two discrete hobbies to convey the underlying driving force behind motivations. I used one of the examples as a template. The leadership essay was even tougher as I went into a routine about my style and the techniques I use to incentivize people. It all read like a management book. The samples helped me rephrase my leadership Essay in unique ways." - Haas MBA 2023 Entering Class